Savor The Origin

Savor The Origin

Good coffee does not happen by chance, in fact, many elements need to align perfectly to produce it. So, when you think about it, excellent coffee, specialty coffee, is almost a little miracle.

Environmental conditions

Each coffee bean is only as good as all the elements contributing to its growth. This means growing in rich soil full of nutrients, being at the right altitude to allow for slow and proper development, the right climate to ensure a perfect balance of rain, sunshine, shade, and moisture.

And while some regions naturally have these conditions, that doesn’t necessarily mean premium quality beans will be the obvious result.

The Human Touch

One of the crucial elements of great coffee is the farmer behind it. For the beans to grow and develop into plump cherries full of flavor, the farmer must prepare the soil and keep it full of nutrients and free of pesticides. They must grow and care for the vegetation around the coffee plants to provide the right amount of shade and shelter for the various native animals that are also integral to growing healthy plants.

The farmer trains the coffee pickers to be fast and accurate, picking the cherries only when they are perfectly ripe. Once selected, the cherries must be processed masterfully. The farmer is the artist behind the process, whether washed or processed by other means. Most commonly passed down from generations before them, unique knowledge is used and mixed with new innovations to further elevate the beans.

picture showing a specialty coffee picker picking ripe coffee cherries at Hatillo coffee El Jardin farm

A Delightful Cup of Coffee

After everything has come together to produce the beans, we want to ensure that each farm’s unique and tasteful notes are preserved and highlighted. We source our single-origin coffees from small family farms to keep clean intentional flavors and aromas representing each farm for you to enjoy.

So, next time you have a cup of delicious coffee, make sure to savor it. Stop to smell the aromas and taste all the notes. Think about all the things that had to come together to produce it and how its source is imprinted in the taste.