Finca La Divisa

Near Santa Fe de Antioquia, one of the oldest cities in Colombia, Gabriel Gutierrez and Milena Quiroz grew up, met and started their family.  In their farm, La Divisa, they produce premium Castillo and Supremo beans. At 2,050 Meters MLS, with abundant water from the river and lots of shady mountains they have been following the ways of their ancestors while continuing to learn and perfect their craft.

Finca La Loma

Juan Carlos is a 4th generation coffee grower from Ciudad Bolivar, Antioquia. He has coffee running through his veins; his Great Grandfather, Lisímaco Guerra, started growing coffee in 1913. Juan Carlos’ farm, La Loma, sits at 2,000 meters MSL (6,561ft) in a small village called Los Farallones.

Finca Cañaveral

Jhon Jairo is part of a family that has been cultivating coffee for over 70 years. His farm “Cañaveral” is part of the land where he was raised along with his 13 siblings, 5 of which are also expert coffee farmers.

picture showing the drying beds where the specialty coffee from El Jardin farms is produced for Hatillo Coffee

Finca El Jardin

Using artisanal methods, in his El Jardin farm, Ignacio knows how to grow and process specialty coffee, but he also highlights the importance of the environment around the coffee trees.

Finca La Teresita

At 1,650 meters MSL, La Teresita coffee farm is only accessible by foot; all the delicious 100% Colombian coffee beans produced there must be brought down the mountain by a mule which only adds to the beauty of the process. 

Finca Alto Bonito

The Specialty coffee from Finca Alto Bonito is highlighted by its unique location near the small town of Jardin, Antioquia – Colombia. The farm sits surrounded by mountains and has a front seat view of the Farallones de Citara, one of Colombia’s highest mountain ranges, part of a protected forest reserve.

Picture of Piedra Larga farm a Hatillo Coffee's specialty coffee farm in Barbosa Antioquia Colombia

Finca Piedra Larga

“Piedra Larga” is a very special farm to us. It is the farm where it all started. Located in Barbosa – Antioquia, Piedra Larga’s foggy mornings, creeks, and altitude result in a rich soil ideal for specialty coffee growing. The farm sits at 4,921 ft (1,500 meters) MSL. “Piedra Larga” used to be a sugar mill, and even though it had coffee trees planted around the farm, the main objective wasn’t to produce coffee.

Finca Las Soledades

Las Soledades sits on an idyllic location overlooking the “Los Salados” natural reservoir at an elevation of 7.218 ft MSL (2,200 meters). It is surrounded by mountains, creeks, and a dense forest in a gated parcellation called Juanito Laguna. Being inside a native forest means Las Soledades is abundant in native plants and animals,