picture showing the difference between honey processed parchment coffee and washed parchment coffee. The honey processed coffee is shown on the left and the washed coffee on the right, both specialty coffee processes have a corresponding Hatillo Coffee bag laying on top the parchment coffee beans

Honey Processed Coffee

The term “honey,” as it relates to a method of processing coffee beans, doesn’t have anything to do with honey produced by bees, as one may naturally assume. However, the honey processing method gives the parchment coffee a honey-like color and a more complex cup profile than washed processed beans.

picture of Miguel and a Small Colombian Coffee Farmer near Jardin, Antioquia

100 Years of Coffee

The history of coffee goes back several centuries when an Ethiopian goat herder discovered its energizing properties. However, it wasn’t until the 20th century that coffee drinking became widespread. Since then, three distinct waves identify the modern history of coffee.

Hatillo Coffee infographic showing the Structure of a coffee cherry

The Coffee Cherry

Coffee cherries have a complex, layered structure. Each layer plays a vital role in the flavor profile of the coffee. The layers left or removed during the fermentation and processing methods will also contribute to the characteristics of the resulting roasted beans.

infographic showing how specialty coffee is graded using the specialty coffee association (SCA) standard

What is SCA Cup Score?

Coffee cupping is a standardized scoring system whose main objective is to separate specialty coffee from commercial coffee.