Washed Nano-lot

Original price was: $16.95.Current price is: $16.95.

Taste Notes: Orange, Cinnamon, and Hazelnut.

Points: 87 points specialty coffee.

Farm: Finca “Las Soledades.”

Location: El Retiro, Antioquia. 2,200 MSL (7,218 ft)

Coffee Grower: Arnulfo Echeverri Grisales

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COFFEE GROWER: Don Arnulfo Echeverri Grisales

Arnulfo Echeverri was born in Andes, one of the largest coffee-producing towns in Antioquia. His parents were coffee farmers from whom he inherited his love for the plants and traditional methods of caring for them. After raising his family, with his kids all grown up, Don Arnulfo took a job on a recreational farm in El Retiro, Antioquia, many miles away from his hometown.


On this farm called “Las Soledades,” Arnulfo and his wife Mery share a charming cottage surrounded by flowers, birds, and plenty of native trees.

All settled into his new job, Don Arnulfo spoke to the farm owners and convinced them to let him use a portion of the land to grow coffee. Although far away, his love for coffee was still intact, and he saw this as a way of continuing his parent’s legacy. Arnulfo was allowed a small lot where he tends to 250 coffee trees which usually yield around 1,540 pounds of specialty coffee. Aside from being a passion of his, this lot represents an extra income for him and his family.

COFFEE FARM: “Las Soledades


Las Soledades” sits on an idyllic location overlooking the “Los Salados” natural reservoir at an elevation of 7.218 ft MSL (2,200 meters). It is surrounded by mountains, creeks, and a dense forest in a gated parcellation called Juanito Laguna. Being inside a native forest means “Las Soledades” is abundant in native plants and animals, lots of water, and rich soil.


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Washed Nano-lot”